The shipping agency "DSA Regensburg" was opened in 2005 in Regensburg. From opening until now, the agency is specialized to provide the following services:

Shipping agents (contact between shipping companies and shipping and government agencies)

  Mediation of loads manipulation (organization and supervision of loading and unloading, the contact with port authorities and operators, control of cargo, customs clearance and administrative affairs)

  Service control over vessels without load (objects waiting for loading, objects in judicial proceedings)

  Mediation between shipboard personnel and shipowners

    Providing river pilots and mediation with shipping companies

  Emergency service (authorized inspector for marine accidents, damage assessment, mediation between shipping companies, insurance, river police)

  Nautical information service for inland navigation (providing information on water levels and mobility, prohibitions on inland waterways sectors of the German section of the Danube)

  Broker for ships and vessels (mediation in the purchase, inspection before the purchase, legal support during customs clearance and transfer of ownership, organization handover)